Ignite Minds, Illuminate Futures

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Teaching Methodology 

Programme for Integrated and Creative Learning (PICL)

The PICL programme is to establish conceptual clarity to the students by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. The curriculum and content for Classes I to V under the PICL programme have been designed in-house by our proficient and efficient staff members with a personal touch. Implementation of this unique programme ensures that the bag load of the children is reduced.

Teaching Methodology Class I-VIII

Teachers at the Primary and Middle level do not merely teach but act as facilitators, mentors, and guides; coaxing the students to develop an inquiry-based bend of mind.Collaborative teaching is practised where all subject teachers collaborate with each other to strengthen the integration.

Technology Driven Classes

Smartboards are used exhaustively across all classes to provide the right digital support to the teachers for delivering the lessons. PPTs, Instructional Software, digital books are the technological aids that enable the teachers to indulge in the effective delivery of the lectures.

Interactive Lessons

Teachers not merely deliver the lessons, but keenly involve the students in meaningful interactions and discussions fostering the development of skills like independent thinking, decision making, critical analysis, logical thinking, to name just a few.  

Mindmaps and Timelines

Mindmaps and timelines are developed for every chapter in order to provide a bird’s eye view of all concepts to the student at a single glance. 

Inquiry based Instructions

Students are given ample opportunities to brainstorm and develop a reasoning and research-based attitude to foster the stimulation of their minds. 

Child Centric Activity based approach

Keeping the child at the core; activities are ingrained into the curriculum of every chapter so that the students learn in an interesting manner by doing things on their own.

Academic and Behavioral Counselors

The role of Academic and Behavioral Counselors assumes great importance as they extend the requisite support to the students, in every area.  

Peer Learning

Group activities within the class help foster the spirit of cooperation and teamwork. ‘Peer pressure’ used in a positive manner helps enhance the performance of the students.  

Field Trips

To expose the students to the practical aspects of the concepts taught in the class, students are taken on field trips every month.

Role Play

Literature Content is effectively delivered by means of role-playing.Holistic Personality Development- Hobby Clubs, Sports Clubs, Social Action Programs, participation in various Inter-House and Inter-School Competitions gives an excellent platform to students to develop a well-rounded personality.  

External Examination

Various External Exams like Olympiads, NSTSEs, ASSET, Live Olympiad, etc are conducted from time to time in order to map the students’ performance at the National Level.

Scholastic Aids

In order to complement the teaching–learning process projects like ‘Mindspark’ are a part of the curriculum.  

Art Integration

Integration of Art in every subject is given importance to help enhance the creativity of students

Respect for individual Strengths and Weaknesses

Realizing the strengths and weaknesses of every individual; personal attention is given to every child in order to aid every child’s optimum progress.