Ignite Minds, Illuminate Futures

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Senior Secondary Wing


Teaching Methodology

Smartboards (E-Books), PPTS; ICT based learning techniques, regular use of LCD-Projectors

Smart Boards are used exhaustively across all classes. PPTs and other instructional software enables the teachers to deliver their lectures effectively. 

Experiential Learning through Labs

To expose the students to the practical aspects of the concepts taught in class, they are taken on frequent field trips. 

Field trips

To expose the students to the practical aspects of the concepts taught in class, they are taken on frequent field trips. 

Inquiry-based learning

Students are given ample opportunity to brainstorm and develop a reasoning and research-based attitude to foster the stimulation of their minds.

Student Seminars and Workshops

Workshops and Seminars are a regular feature for guiding the students for further studies or career. 

Group Discussion and Brain Storming

Teachers not merely deliver the lessons, but keenly involve the students in meaningful interactions and discussions leading to the development of skills like independent thinking, decision making, critical analysis, logical thinking, to name a few. 

Mind Mapping

Mind maps and timelines are developed for every Chapter so that the students get a bird’s eye view of all the concepts pertaining to a particular chapter at a single glance. 

Art Integrated Learning

Art Integrated Learning (AIL) is followed which is based on learning through art. It is a process where art becomes the medium of teaching-learning, a key to understanding concepts within any subject of the curriculum. This enhances the creativity of a child.

Flip Classrooms

Flipped classroom a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school. This is to inculcate the practice of self-learning.

Role Play, Scene Enactment, Plays, etc.

Literature Content is effectively delivered by means of role play. 

Peer teaching and Peer Assessment

Conducting group activities within the class not only creates a spirit of cooperation but also helps the teachers in using the ‘Peer teaching’ in a very positive way. Peer assessment and self-assessment are also practiced.

Games- puzzle-solving, scrabble, etc.

Learning is made fun by introducing games like scrabble and puzzles etc in the teaching methodology.

Collaborative Learning Projects

To foster the team spirit and cooperation, collaborative  multidisciplinary  projects are given that further make the learning better and more fun. 

Real-World Teaching

Real life situations given to make it easy to understand the application.